Tuesday, 14 September 2010

I want to flash!

I've decided to start a 10 day project using off camera flash to help develop my flash technique and also get a better understanding of using speedlights as portable studio strobes.

The reason behind this project is that I've been reading a lot of photographers blogs recently. I came across a photographer called Zack Arias, based in Alanta. He has this unique ability to capture amazing images using off camera flash but also makes it look so easy to do.

Yes, there is the technical side of understanding how your aperture and shutter work together in relation to your flash power setting to getting a good exposure, but you also need one massively important ingredient... creative vision.

The project kicked off with me trying to catch a decent sort of studio like image using a black background. For this exercise, i had some real talent at hand.. little Drew, fresh from her first day at school (the bags under her eyes tell you she had a busy day).

The aim was to capture an image that i could pull straight into Lightroom, make the usual contrast and colour adjustments but not have to drag it into Photoshop doing extensive editing by trying to get the background pure black because of light spill. I think i achieved this...

Day 2 coming soon to a screen near you.


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