Monday, 20 September 2010

Day 3 - Sunset Sally

About 3 months ago i went to a training seminar in London to see a photographer called Joe McNally. At the seminar he showed us how to use single and multiple speedlights to create amazing images applying some very basic techniques. For those who don't know him, Joe has over 30 years of experience in the business and is a master at off camera flash using speedlights.... you can see he's work here

With today's image, I applied some of the techniques i learnt at the seminar allowing me to capture an amazing image of Robyn against the sunset sky. It took me no longer than 10 minutes to setup, capture, download and edit the image... the reason why it took me such a short time was because I applied some very basic techniques which worked and will work again time after time.

Robyn was reluctant at first to climb onto the sheds roof, thinking the roof would give way, but after a little persuasion she finally bottled up the courage climbing onto the roof... that's my girl!! I positioned her half way up the roof, making sure there were no distracting objects behind before setting up the flash.

The flash was placed on a 2m stand with a white translucent umbrella about a foot away from her on the right side of the camera. The sky was just perfect so i took the exposure...

Again i think the image shows that you can create something great by having a little vision and applying some basic technique!

See you on Day 4.


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